
CetoSurf.com is a global community of surfers and ocean lovers who believe in the power of their collective stoke. By making it fun and easy to share information about ocean friendly innovators, artists and activists, Ceto seeks to foster a healthy ocean and a more sustainable surf industry.
Surfers are natural environmentalists but many of today’s surf products are made from materials that are bad for human and ocean health. In response, a growing number of industry innovators are developing products made of sustainably produced, recycled or bio-based materials. But, because most are small businesses with little or no marketing muscle, few surfers know that greener options exist. Ceto wants to change all that by inspiring our global community to help shape a more ocean friendly surf industry. As consumers, we have tremendous untapped power. Let’s start using it to have fun and do good!
So, check us out and start spreading the Ceto stoke today!
About Ceto Surf founder Courtney Hayes
Courtney grew up in the fishing port of Gloucester, MA where she surfs year-round today. After two decades working as a documentary and commercial producer, Courtney attended the Harvard Kennedy School of Government where she focused on sustainable development, new media and civic engagement. Courtney graduated in 2010 and began developing a community to connect surfers and promote ocean health.
Ceto on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CetoSurf
Ceto on Twitter: @cetosurf
Ceto email: cetosurf(at)gmail(dot)com